Model for obtaining data aimed at the academic failure of IT students in the face of a pandemic


  • Ricardo A. Barrera-Cámara Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Fernando E. Sánchez-Martínez Universidad Autónoma del Carmwn
  • Ana Canepa-Sáenz Universidad Autónoma del Carmwn
  • Alejandro Fuentes-Penna El Colegio de Morelos
  • Miguel Ruiz-Jaimes Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos



Academic failure, pandemic, data model, student perception, health


Academic failure is a situation that influences the terminal efficiency of students at a higher level. This is a consequence of various factors that affect the student. The objective is to identify factors that influence school failure in the face of the pandemic. A data collection model was applied for the analysis of factors that influence school failure based on the student's perception during the second year of the pandemic. The model considers technological, academic, and personal factors; The figure of the manager and the academic tutor are incorporated as elements that can influence school failure. The instrument was applied online, data analysis and reliability were performed with free software tools. The age range of the participants is 18 to 25 years old. 53.1% of the participants consider that the absence of the tutor in the face of failure problems influences failure. The factors that influence failure are the academic tutor, academic manager, internet access, the delivery of projects, the teacher's way of explaining, and health. The tutor and the academic manager have an important role as a guide in a situation of failure or academic performance.




How to Cite

Barrera-Cámara, R. A., Sánchez-Martínez, F. E. ., Canepa-Sáenz, A., Fuentes-Penna, A., & Ruiz-Jaimes, M. (2022). Model for obtaining data aimed at the academic failure of IT students in the face of a pandemic. International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics, 13(3), 56–62.




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