Filter for Web Pornographic Contents Based on Digital Image Processing
Digital Images, Segmented image, Face DetectionAbstract
In this paper, the problem to be solved is the visualization of undesirable contents on the Internet, both by children and young people. The average age at which a child first watches pornography on the Internet, is 11 years. Part of a solution, is the proposal to filter pornographic content on the Internet based on digital image processing, which is a software tool, designed for Internet users looking for safe navigation. For detecting nudity in digital imaging the RSOR algorithm (Recognition, Selection and Operations Regions) was implemented. When digital images recognized as nudity represent less than 40%; the filter classifies the URL website as secure, and allows the visualization of the site. However, if the percentage is greater than 40%, then, such a website is considered unsafe, and it is redirected to a secure one, which has been predefined by the administrator of the filter.